Youth Programs

girls programs
Introduces girls to the positive experience of a support circle addressing topics such as “Growing Up Female,” “Growth and Self-Care,” and “Female Role Models.” Activities include collage, affirmations, and theme-related crafts.
Confronts relational aggression and shores girls up with strong interpersonal skills; knocks down barriers to pride, confidence, and empathy. Themes include topics such as “Being Included, Being Left Out,” & “Feuds, Followers, & Fairness.” Increases caring and relational competence.
The goal of working with girls at the critical ages of adolescence is to help them develop self-esteem, life skills, and positive motivations so that they are equipped with the tools to help them achieve their goals. Girls avoid getting into trouble as they physically and developmentally mature, especially before and as they are entering their teenage years and high school. Specifically addressing the needs of girls in this age range fills a need for prevention.
boys programs
Boys will have fun identifying social-emotional messages, experiences, attitudes, and smart options for growing up male in our culture. Competition, bullying, recognizing, and expressing emotions, male and female role expectations, self-confidence, and teamwork are highlighted through games and team challenges.
Boys address common themes which pre-teens and early adolescents encounter, including breaking down social-cultural barriers, motives and actions around put-downs, knowing their personal rights, defining assumptions about male power, respecting others” physical boundaries, understanding and using the energy of strong emotions, and standing up for each other in community.
Brothers as Allies has been developed to provide social support for boys, promote pro-social behaviors, build empathy, encourage resistance against bullying, and interrupt violence. It also addresses gender roles and expectations, self-expression, healthy masculinity, respect for differences, positive ethnic identity, communication, empathy, and becoming allies.

Programs For All Youth
This curriculum includes more than 26 hands-on activities to use with school-aged children, family tip sheets matched with specific activities and resources on nutrition, family outreach, program funding and more.
The program builds skills and strengthens healthy development in goal setting, communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, managing emotions, drug awareness, bonding and relationships and community.
The Media Literacy Elementary School is a curriculum developed by Renee Hobbs. This activity-based curriculum teaches youth how to interpret media messages, purpose, target audience, attention-grabbing techniques and enhance critical thinking skills.
Fill the summer with fun activities and new friends! Participate in cool activities and engaging team experiences.
The purpose of Introduction to Theatre course is to increase students’ understanding, appreciation, and critical perceptions of the theatrical event. Lessons will focus on the elements of telling stories through acting, and how observing their environment. Real life scenarios will be incorporated into the program to enhance the students’ experience.
Community leader will help to ensure that tweens and their families are educated about the safe use and storage of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines.

Middle School Youth Programs
“Media Straight Up” is a Middle School curriculum designed to help kids make informed decisions, such as avoiding risky drug and alcohol-related behaviors, while learning how traditional and online media influence their behavior. Media literacy supports the goals of prevention by teaching youth to recognize how media messages influence them, helps develop critical thinking skills, and fosters healthy self-esteem.
programs for young women

Program Interest Form
Guiding good choices parenting program

Guiding Good Choices is an evidence-based five session parenting program that teaches parents of children ages 9-14 how to reduce the risk that their child will develop drug problems by setting guidelines and strengthening family bonds.
Registration is required; dinner and childcare will be provided.
To register, please email at nolongerboundpa@gmail.com and enter GGC in the subject line.

Diabetes Prevention Program
If you have prediabetes, you can cut your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in half by losing 5 to 7 percent of your body weight. That is about 10 to 14 pounds for a person weighing 200 pounds. Participants are also encouraged to work up to 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
Norton Avenue First Baptist Church is pleased to host the PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program. Participants work in a group with a trained lifestyle coach to learn the skills needed to lose weight, become more physically active, and manage stress.
PreventT2 is part of the National Diabetes Prevention Program, led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This program is proven to prevent or delay onset of type 2 diabetes.
PreventT2 groups meet for a year — weekly for the first 16 weeks, then once or twice a month for the remainder of the year. Having prediabetes means, it’s time for prevention.
Eat healthier, lose weight and feel great all while having the support of a group of friends and many laughs.